The Capable Risk Register for can support you on your path to ISO standard compliance. The following is an overview of how the app support you.

Key standards supported:

  • ISO 31000
  • ISO 27001
  • ISO 14971
  • ISO 62304

Specific standard info

ISO 31000

The objective of ISO 31000 is to provide guidelines on managing the risk faced by organizations. The standard can be customized to any organization and is not specific to any industry or sector.

Section 5.4.4 of the standard states that it is necessary to “ensure allocation of appropriate resources for risk management”, including “tools to be used for managing risk.” The Capable Risk Register can be used to help ensure compliance with this standard.

  • Section 6.4.2 Risk identification is enabled by the creation of a risk within your risk boards.
  • Section 6.4.3 Risk analysis is enabled by the definition of risk probability and impact for a risk within the application.
  • Section 6.4.4 Risk evaluation is enabled by the definition of a risk model in the application and the automatic calculation of the level of risk.
  • Section 6.5 Risk treatment is enabled by the risk treatment fields in the application, including the ability to record mitigating actions.
  • Section 6.6 Monitoring and review is enabled by the risk register and risk matrix views

ISO 27001

The Capable Risk Register is fully compatible with ISO 27001, and can be used to help ensure compliance with this standard. The following specific steps are supported by the application:

  • Section 4.2.1.d Identify the Risks is enabled by the creation of a risk within the application.
  • Section 4.2.1.e Analyse and evaluate the risks is enabled by the definition of risk probability and impact for a risk, the definition of a risk model in the application, and the automatic calculation of the level of risk.
  • Section 4.2.1.f Identity and evaluate options for the treatment of risks is enabled by the risk treatment fields in the application, including the ability to record mitigating actions.
  • Section 4.2.3 Monitor and and review the ISMS is supported by the risk register and risk matrix views

ISO 14971

The Capable Risk Register is fully compatible with ISO 14971, and can be used to help ensure compliance with this standard. The following specific steps are supported by the application:

  • Section 4.3 Identification of hazards is enabled by the creation of a risk within the application.
  • Section 4.4 Estimation of the risk is enabled by the definition of risk probability and impact for a risk within the application.
  • Section 5 Risk evaluation is enabled by the definition of a risk model in the application and the automatic calculation of the level of risk.
  • Section 6 Risk control are enabled by the risk treatment fields in the application, including the ability to record mitigating actions and residual risk.

ISO 62304

The Capable Risk Register is fully compatible with ISO 62304, and can be used to help ensure compliance with this standard.Section 4.2 of the standard states that “The Manufacturer shall apply a risk management process complying with ISO 14971.”

  • Section 7.1 Analysis of software contributing to hazardous situations is enabled by the creation of a risk within the application.
  • Section 4.3 Software safety classification is enabled by the definition of risk probability and impact for a risk within the application.
  • Section 6.4.4 Risk evaluation is enabled by the definition of a risk model in the application and the automatic calculation of the level of risk.
  • Section 7 Risk control measures is enabled by the risk treatment fields in the application, including the ability to record mitigating actions and residual risk.